Valentine’s Day is approaching, and while some complete buzzkills consider this a “Hallmark holiday,” I love anything that lets couples celebrate their love. If you have previously sucked at presents, like this guy, then here is a great guide on what gift to get your partner based on their love language. (If you don’t know their love language, take this quiz side by side.)
1. Acts of Service. There are endless acts of service you can get your loved one for Valentine’s Day, but try to stay in the romantic sphere (car wash = no go). How about you clean the whole house and then give your partner a gift certificate for you making their favorite meals for dinner for the next week? Or paint the house or clean the garage. If you’re going to do an act of service for Valentine’s Day, make sure it takes you at least 5-6 hours and that it is something the person has repeatedly stated that they want.
2. Verbal affirmation. There is nothing nicer for a person with this love language than a letter (not a three sentence card) about how much you love them, your favorite memories about your relationship, and your hopes for the future with them. If you get a gift, it can be small and meaningful. You don’t have to spend a lot, because the focus will be the letter. Something that reminds you of them, like a framed photo from your early relationship, would be great.
3. Quality time. This is a layup. Plan a weekend away, or even a day trip. If you have the resources, plan a couples vacation. Take a day off work (telling your partner in advance so they can plan for it) and spend the day together. Tell them of your plans in a sweet card, you don’t need to write too much, but get the point across that you want to spend time together and you are going to make it happen.
4. Gifts. Refer here. And if you’re shopping for a man, buy him something about 20% more expensive than he would buy for himself and/or than he would expect you to spend OR find something from a special place/store that he doesn’t know about. Google is your friend. If you are on a tight budget, buy a couple of small cute gifts, like this.
5. Physical affection. If your partner’s love language is physical affection, you’re in luck because your gift could easily be free or very cheap. Try something new in bed, and preface it with a massage or a shower or bath together. If your partner likes lingerie, buy some new lingerie to wear. If they want to be adventurous, again, Google is your friend, although not on your work computer. (Although it is unusual for a person not to already know what their partner wants in bed, even if they pretend they don’t.)
Targeting your gift, on Valentine’s Day and every holiday, to your partner’s love language is a great way to show them that you really see and understand them. Generic gifts, or, worse, gifts that are something YOU really want, just make people feel sad and resentful. Happy early Valentine’s Day, and till we meet again, I remain, The Blogapist Who Says, Valentine’s Day Is Another Time To Show Your Partner You Love Them!